CENSORSHIP: Vimeo platfom closes down NEUE MITTE account – all documents – by Christoph Hörstel 2021-3-18

2021-3-18, 20:12 CET

Anjali Sud,

count the days, until we switch „Vimeo“ and all offsprings off the German and other like-minded markets for censorship in the service of global crime.
Christoph Hörstel
Federal Chairman


2021-3-18, 19:57 … Weiterlesen

The Corona Conspiracy: Christoph Hörstel – AHaber TV „Yazboz“ 2020-3-14

1 – Is coronavirus destroying the world for a new one? What is your opinion?

The western corona virus hype is a crazy story.

“Corona” = Latin language = “crown” = crown of lies and betrayal?

Because of a few … Weiterlesen

KW19-23: D-Day + Souveränität Deutschlands – 2019-6-10

Montag, 10. Juni 2019 – 13 Uhr – 10 Mio Clicks – DANKE!

Bald: 50.000 Abos!

0: 36 – D-Day-Erklärung


  • miese Stimmung, sehr durch Trump-Auftritt, köstliches Foto!
  • Trump: alles durch USA: stärker, besser, schöner
  • Proklamation völlig verlogen
    • Frieden, Zusammenarbeit,

Iran Under US War Threat

Imminent US cabinet reshuffle gives a hint on planning.

This is the special Trump way to fire a minister: Talk bad about him in public, hint he’s “on the way out” – and help raise the level of speculations about … Weiterlesen

Macron’s New Security Strategy For Europe

Security Partnership To Include Russia and Turkey – How Credible?

French President Macron issued his idea in two steps – in a visible effort not to overload the public. The first step came on Monday, August 27, in front of … Weiterlesen

After Macron’s Statements: The New Situation Is The Old

The recent Macron statements of European security including Russia do not change anything: In fact we live in a 1938 type of situation.
The financial system is broken, only the crash is missing and sure to come. Europe, the western

Refugees, Mass Migration – and a German Government Crisis

Germany is facing deeper problems than the ones discussed today – and much tougher choices: The whole political/financial system appears at stake.

The current German government crisis has three reasons. The least important is the personal chemistry and longstanding political
