Les bases d’un changement réussi: Christoph Hörstel, Paris, 2024-9-8

Texte complet: https://tinyurl.com/2wt5szne

BitChute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/juOk4oUQpUsA/


Paris, Place de la Nation, 8 Septembre 2024:

Chers amis français !
C’est pour moi à la fois une joie et un honneur de vous rencontrer aujourd’hui dans mon cher Paris et de pouvoir … Weiterlesen

ALARM: USA tricksen Russland bis zum Krieg! Christoph Hörstel – ParsToday 2021-12-19

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 – 8 Uhr

Text: https://tinyurl.com/2p8sr2c8

Original: https://tinyurl.com/y3vkdruu

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UFw1PJYu2V7M/


Schrittweise werden die US-Absichten immer deutlicher: Es geht darum, Russland in eine militärische Aktion zu provozieren, entweder durch eine False Flag Operation – oder durch einen … Weiterlesen

Solution proposal for confrontation in Syria – Christoph Hörstel 2020-2-24

This solution proposal is based on nine years intensive involvement for Syria with: Syrian, Russian, Turkish officials and Iranian, Russian, Turkish media.
While all sides are advancing in the logics of war, another way to address the worries and grievances

Venezuela – Turning Point for US Hegemonism?

The revolutionary life achievement of president Maduro’s overarching predecessor Chávez nearly destroyed, forces gather to withstand Washington’s designs.

South American history changed course on February 15, 1898. In the evening of that day, a heavy explosion rocked the armored cruiser … Weiterlesen

Putin-Erdoğan Meeting: Progress is Joint Vision!

Presidents Putin and Erdoğan present a developed relationship of partners ready to overcome their difficulties.

Illegal US pressure and interference in the increasingly dangerous case of Venezuela is only one first-class show piece of how far good Russian-Turkish relations may … Weiterlesen

Turkey Sends More Troops Into North-East Syria

Washington’s escalatory steps force Ankara to react – with potentially positive consequences for the stalled Russian-Turkish Sochi agreement. 

The news came Wednesday noon and were as brief as precise: Turkish president Erdoğan announced, that he plans to launch a military … Weiterlesen

Mosul and Raqqa – Remote-Controlled Misery

Reports about the two ex-IS cities, Mosul and Raqqa, drive tears into the eyes of any decent researcher, who still enjoys possession of a warm heart.

Dry facts are quickly told: Mosul is the fifth biggest Iraqi city behind the … Weiterlesen

Trump’s INF Treaty Game

The INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide range and long term consequences, trading US political interests for short term gains of their arms industry.

Two of the many problems analysts face … Weiterlesen

The Hushed-Up Summit Success

Seven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda media look the other way.

That’s certainly unprecedented but interesting and symptomatic: The biggest German daily „Süddeutsche“ squeezes a few lines on its … Weiterlesen

Western Media Murder Games

Frenzy about an alleged (fake) Russian murder case – near complete silence about French realities.

French state prosecutors have it, that former French secret service (DGSE) agents planned to kill a Congolese ex-general and opposition leader, Ferdinand Mbaou. In rare … Weiterlesen