Mosul and Raqqa – Remote-Controlled Misery

Reports about the two ex-IS cities, Mosul and Raqqa, drive tears into the eyes of any decent researcher, who still enjoys possession of a warm heart.

Dry facts are quickly told: Mosul is the fifth biggest Iraqi city behind the … Weiterlesen

Trump’s INF Treaty Game

The INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide range and long term consequences, trading US political interests for short term gains of their arms industry.

Two of the many problems analysts face … Weiterlesen

US: last fight for global dominance to start tomorrow morning!

Tomorrow morning isn’t just the start of the toughest sanctions in history, only to be compared with the measures against Germany and Japan in the wake of WW2.
Tomorrow the downtrodden and overstretched US-dominated financial and economic system starts its

The Hushed-Up Summit Success

Seven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda media look the other way.

That’s certainly unprecedented but interesting and symptomatic: The biggest German daily „Süddeutsche“ squeezes a few lines on its … Weiterlesen

Iran Under US War Threat

Imminent US cabinet reshuffle gives a hint on planning.

This is the special Trump way to fire a minister: Talk bad about him in public, hint he’s “on the way out” – and help raise the level of speculations about … Weiterlesen

Deutschland: Korrupte Führungselite verliert ihre Sprache

Ein stinkender Sumpf der Korruption regiert unser Land – überall: Es gibt keinen Lebensbereich, der nicht tiefgreifend reformiert werden müsste, keine Institution ist sauber, vom Auswärtigen Amt bis zur Zeitumstellung kann nichts bleiben wie es ist. Ausdruck dafür ist, wie … Weiterlesen

Syria: Erdogan’s Tough Choices

Sochi agreement on the demilitarized Idlib belt offers risks – and opportunities.

The chain of events is now allowing prognoses: After the fall of IS/Daesh strongholds in Duma/Damascus and Daraa the Syrian government and its allies Russia and Iran took … Weiterlesen

Storm on Idlib halted

Syria with Russia and Iran give peace a chance, Turkey crammed in reinforcements and remains constructively engaged.

Russian diplomacy is – yet again – at its best: The final battle for peace and stability in Syria is overdue, but partnership … Weiterlesen

Syria: Battle For Idlib Has Started

Possible consequences include financial crash and worldwide war.

The astonishing part of the latest Tehran summit including Russian president Putin and his Turkish colleague Erdogan is certainly, that the latter can voice his wish for a peaceful, settlement – and … Weiterlesen

wg. Truppenabzug: Briefe an amerikanischen und britischen Botschafter

Gestern habe ich die Ankündigung veröffentlicht, heute gingen die unten beigefügten Briefe raus: per Fax und Mail. Das Datum ist ja nicht nur der 11. September, sondern es sind die Tage erhöhter Finanzcrash- und Weltkriegsgefahr mit brandgefährlichen RabaukenAuftrittenWeiterlesen