Turkey Sends More Troops Into North-East Syria

Washington’s escalatory steps force Ankara to react – with potentially positive consequences for the stalled Russian-Turkish Sochi agreement. 

The news came Wednesday noon and were as brief as precise: Turkish president Erdoğan announced, that he plans to launch a military … Weiterlesen

G20 Summit: Is the US Losing its Global Leadership?

Fact is, it’s the other way round: Global leadership has lost he US – and for good.

The Buenos Aires G20 summit cemented, what really is US president Trump’s political strategy: Washington does not even care for a US leadership … Weiterlesen

Mosul and Raqqa – Remote-Controlled Misery

Reports about the two ex-IS cities, Mosul and Raqqa, drive tears into the eyes of any decent researcher, who still enjoys possession of a warm heart.

Dry facts are quickly told: Mosul is the fifth biggest Iraqi city behind the … Weiterlesen

Volkstrauertag – der reine Wahnsinn

Der Volkstrauertag wurde 1919 vom Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge als Gedenktag für die gefallenen deutschen Soldaten des Ersten Weltkrieges vorgeschlagen. 1922 fand die erste Gedenkstunde im Reichstag statt. Die Deutschen haben brav getrauert bis zum 2. Weltkrieg – und haben hinterher … Weiterlesen

NATO Exercise Threatens Peace

NATO’s „Trident Juncture 2018“ exercise propaganda speaks of defense and security – but choice of locations, weapons and drill goals speak a vastly different language.

50’000 participants, 250 aircraft and 65 vessels from more than 30 nations – boasts Norway’s … Weiterlesen

Trump’s INF Treaty Game

The INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide range and long term consequences, trading US political interests for short term gains of their arms industry.

Two of the many problems analysts face … Weiterlesen

CDU Regime Change

Germany’s political elite in turmoil: Angela Merkel leaves the chair of her Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) party soon – and chancellorship in 2021.

Nearly a dozen candidates ponder the idea of a candidacy for the stewardship of Germany’s strongest party. But … Weiterlesen

US: last fight for global dominance to start tomorrow morning!

Tomorrow morning isn’t just the start of the toughest sanctions in history, only to be compared with the measures against Germany and Japan in the wake of WW2.
Tomorrow the downtrodden and overstretched US-dominated financial and economic system starts its

Merz statt Merkel?!? – Schmerz statt Murksel!

Jetzt schlägt’s 13!! Selten so klar Recht behalten in 24 Stunden! Dieser Tag in Beiträgen:

Gestern, 17:26 Uhr:

Merkel geht – KEIN Wachwechsel in Deutschland
Wer die jammervolle Riege der möglichen Nachfolge-Kandidaten ansieht, weiß: die Kartelle bleiben an der … Weiterlesen