Venezuela – Turning Point for US Hegemonism?

The revolutionary life achievement of president Maduro’s overarching predecessor Chávez nearly destroyed, forces gather to withstand Washington’s designs.

South American history changed course on February 15, 1898. In the evening of that day, a heavy explosion rocked the armored cruiser … Weiterlesen

Was 2019 wichtig wird – dazu: ALLES GUTE.

Die einen beginnen ein neues Jahr mit guten Vorsätzen, die anderen lassen das gleich, aus bitterer Erfahrung – aber WIR von der Neuen Mitte wissen, dass es ohne Fokussierung zumeist nur kraftloses Durcheinander gibt – und den gewaltigen Lügenbrei der Weiterlesen

Turkey Sends More Troops Into North-East Syria

Washington’s escalatory steps force Ankara to react – with potentially positive consequences for the stalled Russian-Turkish Sochi agreement. 

The news came Wednesday noon and were as brief as precise: Turkish president Erdoğan announced, that he plans to launch a military … Weiterlesen

The Hushed-Up Summit Success

Seven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda media look the other way.

That’s certainly unprecedented but interesting and symptomatic: The biggest German daily „Süddeutsche“ squeezes a few lines on its … Weiterlesen

Storm on Idlib halted

Syria with Russia and Iran give peace a chance, Turkey crammed in reinforcements and remains constructively engaged.

Russian diplomacy is – yet again – at its best: The final battle for peace and stability in Syria is overdue, but partnership … Weiterlesen

Who’s Behind Washington’s New Anti-Russian Sanctions

US foreign policy is alienating billions of people to please a small fraction.

It took a while and came under time pressure – but passed swiftly and smoothly: Last week, congress pushed a new set of sanctions against Russia down … Weiterlesen

Erdogan-Staatsbesuch: große Erpressungsshow

Eines ist sicher: Der Staatsbesuch des ehemaligen und neuen türkischen Präsidenten setzt eine historische Wendemarke.  

Jahrelang ist Recep Tayyip Erdogan der böse große Diktator, der (Möchtegern-)Sultan, der Verfolger des ehrenvollen freien Journalismus, Zerstörer der Demokratie, Verschwörer und Staatsstreich-Fälscher – da … Weiterlesen

Turkey’s troubles with foreign agents

Cases Gülen, Brunson and Yücel involve US and German governments

Presbyterian Church priest Andrew Brunson doesn’t hold his services in a big and impressing old church building. He works out of a small apartment in the city of Izmir, on … Weiterlesen