CDU Regime Change

Germany’s political elite in turmoil: Angela Merkel leaves the chair of her Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) party soon – and chancellorship in 2021.

Nearly a dozen candidates ponder the idea of a candidacy for the stewardship of Germany’s strongest party. But … Weiterlesen

Merz statt Merkel?!? – Schmerz statt Murksel!

Jetzt schlägt’s 13!! Selten so klar Recht behalten in 24 Stunden! Dieser Tag in Beiträgen:

Gestern, 17:26 Uhr:

Merkel geht – KEIN Wachwechsel in Deutschland
Wer die jammervolle Riege der möglichen Nachfolge-Kandidaten ansieht, weiß: die Kartelle bleiben an der … Weiterlesen

The Hushed-Up Summit Success

Seven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda media look the other way.

That’s certainly unprecedented but interesting and symptomatic: The biggest German daily „Süddeutsche“ squeezes a few lines on its … Weiterlesen

Germany’s Role In Syria And In The Middle East

Germany’s actual policies range a far cry from what is possible and constructive.

The Middle East today is one of seven zones globally, where Washington either prepares for war ore is already actively involved in ongoing conflicts. The other six … Weiterlesen

Ist Merkel Jüdin? Peinliches Versehen im Bundespresseamt!

Manchmal, ganz selten, führt trockene, alltägliche Arbeit auch zu einem überraschenden kleinen Erfolg.

Ich hatte heute um 17:10 mit dem Büro des Chefs vom Dienst im Bundespresseamt telefoniert, am Telefon eine gut gelaunte junge Dame, das Gespräch war nett und … Weiterlesen

Putin-Merkel Meeting: Stakes And Hopes

It’s good they talk – but how good are the talks, really?

German chancellor Merkel meets with two Russians: foreign affairs minister Lavrov and army head Gerassimov – in Berlin, July 24, 2018. But then, observers ask themselves about the … Weiterlesen

Reliable Partners? EU Foreign Policy and the Iran Nuclear Agreement JCPoA

The world is watching how Washington’s vassals fail to stand up for their international reputation and fair treatment of contract partners – a turning point in EU history!
Pakistan’s famed president, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, truly lost no time. As soon … Weiterlesen

Refugees, Mass Migration – and a German Government Crisis

Germany is facing deeper problems than the ones discussed today – and much tougher choices: The whole political/financial system appears at stake.

The current German government crisis has three reasons. The least important is the personal chemistry and longstanding political


Future German-US Relations: A Cursed Fate?

The quasi-colonialist reclusive regime could yet again pitch Germans against their neighbors.

In 1988, the year before German re-unification came up, a then friend of mine, a dedicated CIA influence agent, US citizen told me about covert US preparation of … Weiterlesen

Polizeiaufgabengesetz (PAG) – Gestapo-Gesetz: Wer vertraut dieser Politik?

Knapp 40.000  Menschen strömen in Bayern zusammen, weil alle Spaltungs- und Ausgrenzungsversuche unterblieben, ein richtungweisender Erfolg wacher, kritisch-konstruktiver Bürger. Die Landesregierung reagiert arrogant (Innenminister Herrmann) bis großsprecherisch (Ministerpräsident Söder) – und will trotzdem nicht einmal innehalten.… Weiterlesen