Informationskrieg gegen Russland ist Kriegsvorbereitung!

Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,

Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben.

Aus: „Stufen“ – Gedicht von Hermann Hesse

Zur ersten vollen Amtszeit des schneidigen jungen russischen Präsidenten Putin schien noch alles in Ordnung. Am 25. … Weiterlesen

G20 Summit: Is the US Losing its Global Leadership?

Fact is, it’s the other way round: Global leadership has lost he US – and for good.

The Buenos Aires G20 summit cemented, what really is US president Trump’s political strategy: Washington does not even care for a US leadership … Weiterlesen

NATO Exercise Threatens Peace

NATO’s „Trident Juncture 2018“ exercise propaganda speaks of defense and security – but choice of locations, weapons and drill goals speak a vastly different language.

50’000 participants, 250 aircraft and 65 vessels from more than 30 nations – boasts Norway’s … Weiterlesen

Trump’s INF Treaty Game

The INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide range and long term consequences, trading US political interests for short term gains of their arms industry.

Two of the many problems analysts face … Weiterlesen

Macron’s New Security Strategy For Europe

Security Partnership To Include Russia and Turkey – How Credible?

French President Macron issued his idea in two steps – in a visible effort not to overload the public. The first step came on Monday, August 27, in front of … Weiterlesen

After Macron’s Statements: The New Situation Is The Old

The recent Macron statements of European security including Russia do not change anything: In fact we live in a 1938 type of situation.
The financial system is broken, only the crash is missing and sure to come. Europe, the western

Putin-Merkel Meeting: Stakes And Hopes

It’s good they talk – but how good are the talks, really?

German chancellor Merkel meets with two Russians: foreign affairs minister Lavrov and army head Gerassimov – in Berlin, July 24, 2018. But then, observers ask themselves about the … Weiterlesen

Washington plans a coup in Iran

Deployment of a nuclear-capable US fleet in the Mediterranean Sea speaks a clear language, too.

The Islamic revolution in Iran would not have been possible without US support: Its leader Ayatollah Khomeini would never have made it into the flight … Weiterlesen

Trump-Putin Summit in Western Mainstream Media: A Bad Guy Meeting?

US and Russian presidents are equally not much liked – for no good reasons.

Gone are the times, when global war lingered – and the world held its breath while leaders haggled and struggled. This is 2018: Two aged presidents … Weiterlesen

Future German-US Relations: A Cursed Fate?

The quasi-colonialist reclusive regime could yet again pitch Germans against their neighbors.

In 1988, the year before German re-unification came up, a then friend of mine, a dedicated CIA influence agent, US citizen told me about covert US preparation of … Weiterlesen